
DAY 64.

"HOLEY" temple of donut.
get it, holey?!

today was very eventful.
from setting up bull dog day,
to the gallery showing,
to visiting brady,
and hanging out with d.

it was a good night tho,

DAY 63.

brent was trying to be an anime kid, for his speech.

look at those contacts tho.

DAY 62.

cur (kûr) n.
1. A dog considered to be inferior or
undesirable; a mongrel.
2. A base or cowardly person.

by the looks of it, it could be any of the two.
still, very creepy.


DAY 61.

springs a'comin.

DAY 60.

being nerds.

DAY 59.

i apparently really like this dog.
and my shoes.

DAY 58.

taking pictures with dixie the dog.

i've been sipping on v8 lately.
hell yeah.
*there it is in the background.

DAY 57.

beach version crop circles.--->

i hate the mississippi weather.
i can handle arid heat, but heat
with humity, i cannot stand.